from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import json from typing import Callable, Optional, TypedDict import aiohttp from lib.config import Config import numpy as np from aiohttp_sse_client2 import client as sse_client from service.tiktoken import TikTokenService AZURE_CHATCOMPLETE_API_VERSION = "2023-07-01-preview" AZURE_EMBEDDING_API_VERSION = "2023-05-15" class OpenAIApiTypeInvalidException(Exception): def __init__(self, api_id: str): self.api_id = api_id def __str__(self): return f"Invalid api_id: {self.api_id}" class ChatCompleteMessageLog(TypedDict): role: str content: str class ChatCompleteResponse(TypedDict): message: str prompt_tokens: int message_tokens: int total_tokens: int finish_reason: str class OpenAIApi: @staticmethod def create(api_id: str) -> OpenAIApi: return OpenAIApi(api_id) def __init__(self, api_id: str): self.api_id = api_id self.api_type = Config.get(f"chatcomplete.{api_id}.api_type", None, str) if self.api_type is None: raise OpenAIApiTypeInvalidException(api_id) self.request_proxy = Config.get(f"chatcomplete.{api_id}.request_proxy", type=str, empty_is_none=True) self.api_url = Config.get(f"chatcomplete.{api_id}.api_endpoint", type=str) self.api_key = Config.get(f"chatcomplete.{api_id}.key", type=str) def build_header(self): if self.api_type == "azure": return { "content-type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", "api-key": self.api_key } else: return { "authorization": f"Bearer {self.api_key}", "content-type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", } def get_url(self, method: str): if self.api_type == "azure": deployments = Config.get(f"chatcomplete.{self.api_id}.deployments") if method == "chat/completions": return self.api_url + "/openai/deployments/" + deployments["chatcomplete"] + "/" + method elif method == "embeddings": return self.api_url + "/openai/deployments/" + deployments["embedding"] + "/" + method else: return self.api_url + "/v1/" + method async def get_embeddings(self, doc_list: list, on_index_progress: Optional[Callable[[int, int], None]] = None): token_usage = 0 text_list = [doc["text"] for doc in doc_list] async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: url = self.get_url("embeddings") params = {} post_data = { "input": text_list, } if self.api_type == "azure": params["api-version"] = AZURE_EMBEDDING_API_VERSION else: post_data["model"] = "text-embedding-ada-002" if self.api_type == "azure": # Azure api does not support batch for index, text in enumerate(text_list): retry_num = 0 max_retry_num = 3 while retry_num < max_retry_num: try: async with, headers=self.build_header(), params=params, json={"input": text}, timeout=30, proxy=self.request_proxy) as resp: data = await resp.json() one_data = data["data"] if len(one_data) > 0: embedding = one_data[0]["embedding"] if embedding is not None: embedding = np.array(embedding) doc_list[index]["embedding"] = embedding token_usage += int(data["usage"]["total_tokens"]) if on_index_progress is not None: await on_index_progress(index, len(text_list)) break except Exception as e: retry_num += 1 if retry_num >= max_retry_num: raise e print("Error: %s" % e) print("Retrying...") await asyncio.sleep(0.5) else: async with, headers=self.build_header(), params=params, json=post_data, timeout=30, proxy=self.request_proxy) as resp: data = await resp.json() if "error" in data: raise Exception(data["error"]) for one_data in data["data"]: embedding = one_data["embedding"] index = one_data["index"] if index < len(doc_list): if embedding is not None: embedding = np.array(embedding) doc_list[index]["embedding"] = embedding token_usage = int(data["usage"]["total_tokens"]) if on_index_progress is not None: await on_index_progress(index, len(text_list)) return (doc_list, token_usage) async def make_message_list(self, question: str, system_prompt: str, conversation: list[ChatCompleteMessageLog] = []) -> list[ChatCompleteMessageLog]: summaryContent = None messageList: list[ChatCompleteMessageLog] = [] for message in conversation: if message["role"] == "summary": summaryContent = message["content"] elif message["role"] == "user" or message["role"] == "assistant": messageList.append(message) if summaryContent: system_prompt += "\n\n" + summaryContent messageList.insert(0, ChatCompleteMessageLog(role="assistant", content=system_prompt)) messageList.append(ChatCompleteMessageLog(role="user", content=question)) return messageList async def chat_complete(self, question: str, system_prompt: str, conversation: list[ChatCompleteMessageLog] = [], user = None): messageList = await self.make_message_list(question, system_prompt, conversation) url = self.get_url("chat/completions") params = {} post_data = { "messages": messageList, "user": user, } if self.api_type == "azure": params["api-version"] = AZURE_CHATCOMPLETE_API_VERSION else: post_data["model"] = "gpt-3.5-turbo" post_data = {k: v for k, v in post_data.items() if v is not None} async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with, headers=self.build_header(), params=params, json=post_data, timeout=30, proxy=self.request_proxy) as resp: data = await resp.json() if "choices" in data and len(data["choices"]) > 0: choice = data["choices"][0] message = choice["message"]["content"] finish_reason = choice["finish_reason"] prompt_tokens = int(data["usage"]["prompt_tokens"]) message_tokens = int(data["usage"]["completion_tokens"]) total_tokens = int(data["usage"]["total_tokens"]) return ChatCompleteResponse(message=message, prompt_tokens=prompt_tokens, message_tokens=message_tokens, total_tokens=total_tokens, finish_reason=finish_reason) return None async def chat_complete_stream(self, question: str, system_prompt: str, conversation: list[ChatCompleteMessageLog] = [], on_message = None, user = None): tiktoken = await TikTokenService.create() messageList = await self.make_message_list(question, system_prompt, conversation) prompt_tokens = 0 for message in messageList: prompt_tokens += await tiktoken.get_tokens(message["content"]) url = self.get_url("chat/completions") params = {} post_data = { "messages": messageList, "user": user, "stream": True, "n": 1, "max_tokens": 768, "stop": None, "temperature": 1, "top_p": 0.95 } if self.api_type == "azure": params["api-version"] = AZURE_CHATCOMPLETE_API_VERSION else: post_data["model"] = "gpt-3.5-turbo" post_data = {k: v for k, v in post_data.items() if v is not None} res_message: list[str] = [] finish_reason = None async with sse_client.EventSource( url, option={ "method": "POST" }, headers=self.build_header(), params=params, json=post_data, proxy=self.request_proxy ) as session: async for event in session: """ {"id":"something","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1681261845,"model":"gpt-3.5-turbo-0301","choices":[{"delta":{"role":"assistant"},"index":0,"finish_reason":null}]} {"id":"something","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1681261845,"model":"gpt-3.5-turbo-0301","choices":[{"delta":{"content":"Thank"},"index":0,"finish_reason":null}]} {"id":"something","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1681261845,"model":"gpt-3.5-turbo-0301","choices":[{"delta":{},"index":0,"finish_reason":"stop"}]} [DONE] """ content_started = False event_data = if event_data == "[DONE]": break elif event_data[0] == "{" and event_data[-1] == "}": data = json.loads(event_data) if "choices" in data and len(data["choices"]) > 0: choice = data["choices"][0] if choice["finish_reason"] is not None: finish_reason = choice["finish_reason"] delta_content = choice["delta"] if "content" in delta_content: delta_message: str = delta_content["content"] # Skip empty lines before content if not content_started: if delta_message.replace("\n", "") == "": continue else: content_started = True res_message.append(delta_message) # if config.DEBUG: # print(delta_message, end="", flush=True) if on_message is not None: await on_message(delta_message) if finish_reason is not None: break res_message_str = "".join(res_message) message_tokens = await tiktoken.get_tokens(res_message_str) total_tokens = prompt_tokens + message_tokens return ChatCompleteResponse(message=res_message_str, prompt_tokens=prompt_tokens, message_tokens=message_tokens, total_tokens=total_tokens, finish_reason=finish_reason)