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Isarra c16be2f4dd Fix languages/variants stuff some more
Messed up a couple of things:
* Nojs variants toggle
* Order of sorting out language/project stuff fixed so it should correctly occur


Change-Id: I9a55848ca50884594035949e5aa855d98ddff77c
.phan Upgrade to newer phan
i18n Localisation updates from https://translatewiki.net.
includes Fix languages/variants stuff some more
resources Fix languages/variants stuff some more
screenshots Add skin screenshots for the installer
.eslintrc.json build: Set "root": true, in .eslintrc.json
.fresnel.yml Set up Fresnel
.gitignore Upgrade to newer phan
.gitreview Use track=1 instead of defaultbranch=master in .gitreview
.phpcs.xml Add method scope visibility
.stylelintrc.json build: Update linters
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md build: Updating mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer to 22.0.0
Gruntfile.js build: Add Grunt 'svgmin' task and crush SVGs
composer.json build: Upgrade phan-taint-check-plugin from 1.5.x to 2.0.1
package.json build: Add Grunt 'svgmin' task and crush SVGs
skin.json Bump version