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Isarra 29b0838989 Fix some small positioning/overflow things
* Echo icon positioning fix in rtl languages (thanks to RoanKattouw)
* Fix for header lines overlapping with floats (thanks to someone who...
  I don't actually remember, but they're absolutely lovely too)

Change-Id: I57825a7e7e06184f452cec69b15b484173b59413
i18n Localisation updates from https://translatewiki.net.
resources Fix some small positioning/overflow things
.gitignore Update Jenkins tests
.gitreview Use track=1 instead of defaultbranch=master in .gitreview
.jshintignore Make this thing responsive
.stylelintrc Add stylelint for css and less files
Gruntfile.js Add stylelint for css and less files
Timeless.php Initial skin from skin:Example; just renamed
Timeless.skin.php Make variables for resolution boundaries
TimelessTemplate.php Handle `$this->data['language_urls'] === false` specially
composer.json build: add jakub-onderka/php-console-highlighter
notes Turn this into more of a skin. Formatting, horror, more horror.
package.json Add stylelint for css and less files
phpcs.xml Update composer.json file to match vector's, also add phpcs
skin.json Move echo styles to the correct module