import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_slider_drawer/flutter_slider_drawer.dart'; class SliderMenuContainer extends StatefulWidget { final Widget sliderMenu; final Widget sliderMain; final int sliderAnimationTimeInMilliseconds; final double sliderMenuOpenOffset; final double sliderMenuCloseOffset; final Color drawerIconColor; final Widget drawerIcon; final double drawerIconSize; final Color splashColor; final double appBarHeight; final Widget title; final bool isTitleCenter; final bool isShadow; final Color shadowColor; final double shadowBlurRadius; final double shadowSpreadRadius; final Widget trailing; final Color appBarColor; final EdgeInsets appBarPadding; final SliderOpen sliderOpen; const SliderMenuContainer({ Key key, this.sliderMenu, this.sliderMain, this.sliderAnimationTimeInMilliseconds = 200, this.sliderMenuOpenOffset = 265, this.drawerIconColor =, this.drawerIcon, this.splashColor, this.isTitleCenter = true, this.trailing, this.appBarColor = Colors.white, this.appBarPadding, this.title, this.drawerIconSize = 27, this.appBarHeight, this.sliderMenuCloseOffset = 0, this.sliderOpen = SliderOpen.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, this.isShadow = false, this.shadowColor = Colors.grey, this.shadowBlurRadius = 25.0, this.shadowSpreadRadius = 5.0, }) : assert(sliderMenu != null), assert(sliderMain != null), super(key: key); @override SliderMenuContainerState createState() => SliderMenuContainerState(); } class SliderMenuContainerState extends State with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { double _slideBarXOffset = 0; double _slideBarYOffset = 0; bool _isSlideBarOpen = false; AnimationController _animationController; Widget drawerIcon; /// check whether drawer is open bool get isDrawerOpen => _isSlideBarOpen; /// Toggle drawer void toggle() { setState(() { _isSlideBarOpen ? _animationController.reverse() : _animationController.forward(); if (widget.sliderOpen == SliderOpen.LEFT_TO_RIGHT || widget.sliderOpen == SliderOpen.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { _slideBarXOffset = _isSlideBarOpen ? widget.sliderMenuCloseOffset : widget.sliderMenuOpenOffset; } else { _slideBarYOffset = _isSlideBarOpen ? widget.sliderMenuCloseOffset : widget.sliderMenuOpenOffset; } _isSlideBarOpen = !_isSlideBarOpen; }); } /// Open drawer void openDrawer() { setState(() { _animationController.forward(); if (widget.sliderOpen == SliderOpen.LEFT_TO_RIGHT || widget.sliderOpen == SliderOpen.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { _slideBarXOffset = widget.sliderMenuOpenOffset; } else { _slideBarYOffset = widget.sliderMenuOpenOffset; } _isSlideBarOpen = true; }); } /// Close drawer void closeDrawer() { setState(() { _animationController.reverse(); if (widget.sliderOpen == SliderOpen.LEFT_TO_RIGHT || widget.sliderOpen == SliderOpen.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { _slideBarXOffset = widget.sliderMenuCloseOffset; } else { _slideBarYOffset = widget.sliderMenuCloseOffset; } _isSlideBarOpen = false; }); } @override void initState() { super.initState(); _animationController = AnimationController( vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: widget.sliderAnimationTimeInMilliseconds)); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( child: Stack(children: [ /// Display Menu menuWidget(), /// Displaying the shadow if (widget.isShadow) ...[ AnimatedContainer( duration: Duration(milliseconds: widget.sliderAnimationTimeInMilliseconds), curve: Curves.easeIn, width: double.infinity, height: double.infinity, transform: getTranslationValuesForShadow(widget.sliderOpen), decoration: BoxDecoration(shape: BoxShape.rectangle, boxShadow: [ BoxShadow( color: widget.shadowColor, blurRadius: widget.shadowBlurRadius, // soften the shadow spreadRadius: widget.shadowSpreadRadius, //extend the shadow offset: Offset( 15.0, // Move to right 10 horizontally 15.0, // Move to bottom 10 Vertically ), ) ]), ), ], /// Display Main Screen AnimatedContainer( duration: Duration(milliseconds: widget.sliderAnimationTimeInMilliseconds), curve: Curves.easeIn, width: double.infinity, height: double.infinity, color: Colors.white, transform: getTranslationValues(widget.sliderOpen), child: Column( children: [ Container( padding: widget.appBarPadding ?? const EdgeInsets.only(top: 24), color: widget.appBarColor, child: Row( children: appBar(), ), ), Expanded(child: widget.sliderMain), ], )), ])); } List appBar() { List list = [ widget.drawerIcon ?? IconButton( splashColor: widget.splashColor ??, icon: AnimatedIcon( icon: AnimatedIcons.menu_close, color: widget.drawerIconColor, size: widget.drawerIconSize, progress: _animationController), onPressed: () { toggle(); }), Expanded( child: widget.isTitleCenter ? Center( child: widget.title, ) : widget.title, ), widget.trailing ?? SizedBox( width: 35, ) ]; if (widget.sliderOpen == SliderOpen.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { return list.reversed.toList(); } return list; } /// Build and Align the Menu widget based on the slide open type menuWidget() { switch (widget.sliderOpen) { case SliderOpen.LEFT_TO_RIGHT: return Container( width: widget.sliderMenuOpenOffset, child: widget.sliderMenu, ); break; case SliderOpen.RIGHT_TO_LEFT: return Positioned( right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, child: Container( width: widget.sliderMenuOpenOffset, child: widget.sliderMenu, ), ); case SliderOpen.TOP_TO_BOTTOM: return Positioned( right: 0, left: 0, top: 0, child: Container( width: widget.sliderMenuOpenOffset, child: widget.sliderMenu, ), ); break; } } /// /// This method get Matrix4 data base on [sliderOpen] type /// Matrix4 getTranslationValues(SliderOpen sliderOpen) { switch (sliderOpen) { case SliderOpen.LEFT_TO_RIGHT: return Matrix4.translationValues( _slideBarXOffset, _slideBarYOffset, 1.0); case SliderOpen.RIGHT_TO_LEFT: return Matrix4.translationValues( -_slideBarXOffset, _slideBarYOffset, 1.0); case SliderOpen.TOP_TO_BOTTOM: return Matrix4.translationValues(0, _slideBarYOffset, 1.0); default: return Matrix4.translationValues(0, 0, 1.0); } } Matrix4 getTranslationValuesForShadow(SliderOpen sliderOpen) { switch (sliderOpen) { case SliderOpen.LEFT_TO_RIGHT: return Matrix4.translationValues( _slideBarXOffset - 30, _slideBarYOffset, 1.0); case SliderOpen.RIGHT_TO_LEFT: return Matrix4.translationValues( -_slideBarXOffset - 5, _slideBarYOffset, 1.0); case SliderOpen.TOP_TO_BOTTOM: return Matrix4.translationValues(0, _slideBarYOffset - 20, 1.0); default: return Matrix4.translationValues(0, 0, 1.0); } } @override void dispose() { super.dispose(); _animationController.dispose(); } }