import 'package:flutter/animation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_slider_drawer/src/app_bar.dart'; import 'package:flutter_slider_drawer/src/helper/slider_app_bar.dart'; import 'package:flutter_slider_drawer/src/helper/slider_shadow.dart'; import 'package:flutter_slider_drawer/src/slider_bar.dart'; import 'package:flutter_slider_drawer/src/helper/utils.dart'; import 'package:flutter_slider_drawer/src/slider_direction.dart'; /// SliderDrawer which have two [child] and [slider] parameter /// ///For Example : /// /// Scaffold( /// body: SliderDrawer( /// appBar: SliderAppBar( /// appBarColor: Colors.white, /// title: Text(title, /// style: const TextStyle( /// fontSize: 22, fontWeight: FontWeight.w700))), /// key: _key, /// sliderOpenSize: 200, /// slider: SliderView( /// onItemClick: (title) { /// _key.currentState!.closeSlider(); /// setState(() { /// this.title = title; /// }); /// }, /// ), /// child: AuthorList()), /// ) /// /// class SliderDrawer extends StatefulWidget { /// [Widget] which display when user open drawer /// final Widget slider; /// [Widget] main screen widget /// final Widget child; /// [int] you can changes sliderDrawer open/close animation times with this [animationDuration] /// parameter /// final int animationDuration; /// [double] you can change open drawer size by this parameter [sliderOpenSize] /// final double sliderOpenSize; ///[double] you can change close drawer size by this parameter [sliderCloseSize] /// by Default it is 0. if you set 30 then drawer will not close full it will display 30 size of width always /// final double sliderCloseSize; ///[bool] if you set [false] then swipe to open feature disable. ///By Default it's true /// final bool isDraggable; ///[appBar] if you set [null] then it will not display app bar /// final SliderAppBar? appBar; /// The primary color of the button when the drawer button is in the down (pressed) state. /// The splash is represented as a circular overlay that appears above the /// [highlightColor] overlay. The splash overlay has a center point that matches /// the hit point of the user touch event. The splash overlay will expand to /// fill the button area if the touch is held for long enough time. If the splash /// color has transparency then the highlight and drawer button color will show through. /// /// Defaults to the Theme's splash color, [ThemeData.splashColor]. /// final Color splashColor; ///[SliderShadow] you can enable shadow of [child] Widget by this parameter final SliderShadow? sliderShadow; ///[slideDirection] you can change slide direction by this parameter [slideDirection] ///There are three type of [SlideDirection] ///[SlideDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT] ///[SlideDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT] ///[SlideDirection.TOP_TO_BOTTOM] /// /// By default it's [SlideDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT] /// final SlideDirection slideDirection; const SliderDrawer({ Key? key, required this.slider, required this.child, this.isDraggable = true, this.animationDuration = 400, this.sliderOpenSize = 265, this.splashColor = Colors.transparent, this.sliderCloseSize = 0, this.slideDirection = SlideDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, this.sliderShadow, this.appBar = const SliderAppBar(), }) : super(key: key); @override SliderDrawerState createState() => SliderDrawerState(); } class SliderDrawerState extends State with TickerProviderStateMixin { static const double WIDTH_GESTURE = 50.0; static const double HEIGHT_GESTURE = 30.0; static const double BLUR_SHADOW = 20.0; double _percent = 0.0; AnimationController? _animationDrawerController; late Animation _animation; bool _isDragging = false; /// check whether drawer is open bool get isDrawerOpen => _animationDrawerController!.isCompleted; /// it's provide [animationController] for handle and lister drawer animation AnimationController? get animationController => _animationDrawerController; /// Toggle drawer void toggle() => _animationDrawerController!.isCompleted ? _animationDrawerController!.reverse() : _animationDrawerController!.forward(); /// Open slider void openSlider() => _animationDrawerController!.forward(); /// Close slider void closeSlider() => _animationDrawerController!.reverse(); @override void initState() { super.initState(); _animationDrawerController = AnimationController( vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: widget.animationDuration)); _animation = Tween(begin: widget.sliderCloseSize, end: widget.sliderOpenSize) .animate(CurvedAnimation( parent: _animationDrawerController!, curve: Curves.decelerate, reverseCurve: Curves.decelerate)); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return LayoutBuilder(builder: (context, constrain) { return Container( child: Stack(children: [ /// Menu SliderBar( slideDirection: widget.slideDirection, sliderMenu: widget.slider, sliderMenuOpenSize: widget.sliderOpenSize, ), /// Displaying the shadow if (widget.sliderShadow != null) ...[ _Shadow( animationDrawerController: _animationDrawerController, slideDirection: widget.slideDirection, sliderOpenSize: widget.sliderOpenSize, animation: _animation, sliderShadow: widget.sliderShadow!, ), ], //Child AnimatedBuilder( animation: _animationDrawerController!, builder: (_, child) { return Transform.translate( offset: Utils.getOffsetValues( widget.slideDirection, _animation.value), child: child, ); }, child: GestureDetector( behavior: HitTestBehavior.deferToChild, onHorizontalDragStart: _onHorizontalDragStart, onHorizontalDragEnd: _onHorizontalDragEnd, onHorizontalDragUpdate: (detail) => _onHorizontalDragUpdate(detail, constrain), child: Container( width: double.infinity, height: double.infinity, color: widget.appBar?.appBarColor ?? Colors.transparent, child: Column( children: [ if (widget.appBar != null) SAppBar( slideDirection: widget.slideDirection, onTap: () => toggle(), animationController: _animationDrawerController!, drawerIcon: widget.appBar!.drawerIcon, drawerIconColor: widget.appBar!.drawerIconColor, drawerIconSize: widget.appBar!.drawerIconSize, splashColor: widget.splashColor, sliderAppBar: widget.appBar!, ), Expanded(child: widget.child), ], ), ), ), ), ])); }); } @override void dispose() { super.dispose(); _animationDrawerController!.dispose(); } void _onHorizontalDragStart(DragStartDetails detail) { if (!widget.isDraggable) return; //Check use start dragging from left edge / right edge then enable dragging if ((widget.slideDirection == SlideDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT && detail.localPosition.dx <= WIDTH_GESTURE) || (widget.slideDirection == SlideDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT && detail.localPosition.dx >= WIDTH_GESTURE) /*&& detail.localPosition.dy <= widget.appBarHeight*/ ) { this.setState(() { _isDragging = true; }); } //Check use start dragging from top edge / bottom edge then enable dragging if (widget.slideDirection == SlideDirection.TOP_TO_BOTTOM && detail.localPosition.dy >= HEIGHT_GESTURE) { this.setState(() { _isDragging = true; }); } } void _onHorizontalDragEnd(DragEndDetails detail) { if (!widget.isDraggable) return; if (_isDragging) { openOrClose(); setState(() { _isDragging = false; }); } } void _onHorizontalDragUpdate( DragUpdateDetails detail, BoxConstraints constraints, ) { if (!widget.isDraggable) return; // open drawer for left/right type drawer if (_isDragging && widget.slideDirection == SlideDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT || widget.slideDirection == SlideDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { var globalPosition = detail.globalPosition.dx; globalPosition = globalPosition < 0 ? 0 : globalPosition; double position = globalPosition / constraints.maxWidth; var realPosition = widget.slideDirection == SlideDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT ? position : (1 - position); move(realPosition); } // open drawer for top/bottom type drawer /*if (dragging && widget.slideDirection == SlideDirection.TOP_TO_BOTTOM) { var globalPosition = detail.globalPosition.dx; globalPosition = globalPosition < 0 ? 0 : globalPosition; double position = globalPosition / constraints.maxHeight; var realPosition = widget.slideDirection == SlideDirection.TOP_TO_BOTTOM ? position : (1 - position); move(realPosition); }*/ // close drawer for left/right type drawer if (isDrawerOpen && (widget.slideDirection == SlideDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT || widget.slideDirection == SlideDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) && < 15) { closeSlider(); } } move(double percent) { _percent = percent; _animationDrawerController!.value = percent; _animationDrawerController!.notifyListeners(); } openOrClose() { if (_percent > 0.3) { openSlider(); } else { closeSlider(); } } } class _Shadow extends StatelessWidget { const _Shadow({ Key? key, required AnimationController? animationDrawerController, required this.animation, required this.sliderShadow, required this.slideDirection, required this.sliderOpenSize, }) : _animationDrawerController = animationDrawerController, super(key: key); final AnimationController? _animationDrawerController; final Animation animation; final SliderShadow sliderShadow; final SlideDirection slideDirection; final double sliderOpenSize; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return AnimatedBuilder( animation: _animationDrawerController!, builder: (_, child) { return Transform.translate( offset: Utils.getOffsetValueForShadow( slideDirection, animation.value, sliderOpenSize), child: child, ); }, child: Container( width: double.infinity, height: double.infinity, decoration: BoxDecoration(shape: BoxShape.rectangle, boxShadow: [ BoxShadow( color: sliderShadow.shadowColor, blurRadius: sliderShadow.shadowBlurRadius, // soften the shadow spreadRadius: sliderShadow.shadowSpreadRadius, //extend the shadow offset: Offset( 15.0, // Move to right 15 horizontally 15.0, // Move to bottom 15 Vertically ), ) ]), ), ); } }