You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

95 lines
2.8 KiB

namespace Isekai\Widgets;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWiki\Parser\Parser;
use MediaWiki\Html\Html;
use PPFrame;
class ButtonLinkWidget {
* @param string $text
* @param array $params
* @param Parser $parser
* @param PPFrame $frame
* @return string|string[]
public static function create($text, $params, Parser $parser, PPFrame $frame) {
$out = $parser->getOutput();
if (!empty($params['page'])) {
$title = Title::newFromText($params['page']);
if ($title) {
$params['href'] = $title->getLocalURL();
$framed = true;
if (!empty($params['frameless']) && $params['frameless']) {
$framed = false;
$flags = [];
$primary = true;
$type = 'progressive';
if (!empty($params['type'])) {
switch ($params['type']) {
case 'progressive':
// default style
case 'default':
$primary = false;
$type = null;
case 'secondary':
$primary = false;
if (!empty($params['destructive']) && $params['destructive']) {
$flags[] = 'destructive';
if ($primary) {
$flags[] = 'primary';
if ($type) {
$flags[] = $type;
$classList = ['oo-ui-widget', 'oo-ui-widget-enabled', 'oo-ui-buttonElement', 'oo-ui-labelElement', 'oo-ui-buttonWidget'];
if ($framed) {
$classList[] = 'oo-ui-buttonElement-framed';
} else {
$classList[] = 'oo-ui-buttonElement-frameless';
foreach ($flags as $flag) {
$classList[] = 'oo-ui-flaggedElement-' . $flag;
$html = Html::rawElement('span', ['class' => implode(' ', $classList)],
Html::rawElement('a', [
'class' => 'oo-ui-buttonElement-button',
'role' => 'button',
'tabindex' => '0',
'href' => $params['href'] ?? '#',
'target' => $params['target'] ?? '_self',
'rel' => 'nofollow'
Html::element('span', ['class' => 'oo-ui-iconElement-icon oo-ui-iconElement-noIcon']) .
Html::element('span', ['class' => 'oo-ui-labelElement-label'], $text) .
Html::element('span', ['class' => 'oo-ui-indicatorElement-indicator oo-ui-indicatorElement-noIndicator'])
return [$html, "markerType" => 'nowiki'];