# Travis CI Configuration File # Tell Travis CI which distro to use dist: trusty sudo: false # Tell Travis CI we're using PHP language: php # Tell Travis CI which notifications to send notifications: email: on_success: never on_failure: change # whitelist branches for the "push" build check branches: only: - main - /^dev\-release\/.*$/ - /^feature\/.*$/ - /^fix\/.*$/ # Git clone depth # By default Travis CI clones repositories to a depth of 50 commits git: depth: 1 cache: directories: - vendor - $HOME/.composer/cache # Define a matrix of additional build configurations # The versions listed above will automatically create our first configuration, # so it doesn't need to be re-defined below. matrix: fast_finish: true include: - name: Coding Standards php: 7.3 env: WP_MODE=single WP_VERSION=5.4.* PHP_LINT=1 COVERAGE=1 - name: Static Code Analysis php: 7.3 env: WP_MODE=single WP_VERSION=5.4.* PHP_ANALYZE=1 - name: Latest Stable php: 7.3 env: WP_MODE=single WP_VERSION=5.4.* PHP_UNIT=1 - name: Preferred Minimum requirements php: 7.2 env: WP_MODE=single WP_VERSION=5.3.* PHP_UNIT=1 - name: Minimum requirements php: 7.1 env: WP_MODE=single WP_VERSION=5.2.* PHP_UNIT=1 - name: Bleeding Edge php: 7.4 env: WP_MODE=single WP_VERSION=dev-master PHP_UNIT=1 - name: Multisite Compatibility php: 7.3 env: WP_MODE=multi WP_VERSION=5.4.* PHP_UNIT=1 allow_failures: - name: Bleeding Edge addons: apt: packages: - nodejs before_install: - npm install -g npm@6.14 - npm install -g grunt-cli - composer require "wordpress/wordpress:${WP_VERSION}" --dev --prefer-source --no-update install: - composer update --prefer-source --no-interaction --dev - npm install before_script: - export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH" # Setup WordPress coding standards - | if [[ "$PHP_LINT" == "1" ]]; then composer global require wp-coding-standards/wpcs fi # Setup unit testing environment - | if [[ "$PHP_UNIT" == "1" ]]; then # bash scripts/install-wp-tests.sh wordpress_test root '' localhost $WP_VERSION if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION == "7.4" ]]; then composer global require "phpunit/php-code-coverage=dev-master" composer global require "sebastian/global-state:dev-master" composer global require "phpunit/phpunit=dev-master" else composer global require "phpunit/phpunit=7.*" fi fi script: - | if [[ "$PHP_LINT" == "1" ]]; then if [[ "$WP_MODE" == "single" ]]; then WP_MULTISITE=0 npm run lint; fi fi - | if [[ "$PHP_ANALYZE" == "1" ]]; then if [[ "$WP_MODE" == "single" ]]; then WP_MULTISITE=0 npm run analyze; fi fi - | if [[ "$PHP_UNIT" == "1" ]]; then if [[ "$WP_MODE" == "multi" ]]; then WP_MULTISITE=1 npm run test; fi if [[ "$WP_MODE" == "single" ]]; then WP_MULTISITE=0 npm run test; fi fi after_success: - | if [[ "$COVERAGE" == "1" ]]; then bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) fi