#$ composer update --optimize-autoloader #$ vendor/bin/phpstan analyze includes: # @see https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan-src/blob/master/conf/bleedingEdge.neon - phar://phpstan.phar/conf/bleedingEdge.neon # Include this extension # - vendor/szepeviktor/phpstan-wordpress/extension.neon parameters: level: 5 inferPrivatePropertyTypeFromConstructor: true bootstrapFiles: - tests/phpstan-bootstrap.php # autoload_files: # Missing constants, function and class stubs # - tests/phpstan/bootstrap.php # Plugin stubs # - tests/phpstan/PLUGIN-stubs.php # Procedural code # - myplugin-functions.php # autoload_directories: # - inc/ paths: - includes/ - ./ excludes_analyse: - node_modules/ - scripts/ - tests/ - tools/ - vendor/ - wordpress/ # scanFiles: # - includes/class.php scanDirectories: - wordpress/src/ ignoreErrors: # Uses func_get_args() - '#^Function apply_filters(_ref_array)? invoked with [34567] parameters, 2 required\.$#' # Fixed in WordPress 5.3 # - '#^Function do_action(_ref_array)? invoked with [3456] parameters, 1-2 required\.$#' # - '#^Function current_user_can invoked with 2 parameters, 1 required\.$#' # - '#^Function add_query_arg invoked with [123] parameters?, 0 required\.$#' # - '#^Function wp_sprintf invoked with [23456] parameters, 1 required\.$#' # - '#^Function add_post_type_support invoked with [345] parameters, 2 required\.$#' # - '#^Function ((get|add)_theme_support|current_theme_supports) invoked with [2345] parameters, 1 required\.$#' # https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/43304 # - '/^Parameter #2 \$deprecated of function load_plugin_textdomain expects string, false given\.$/' # WP-CLI accepts a class as callable # - '/^Parameter #2 \$callable of static method WP_CLI::add_command\(\) expects callable\(\): mixed, \S+ given\.$/' # Please consider commenting ignores: issue URL or reason for ignoring # Ignore cookie_redirect_key deprecation errors. - '/.*Access to deprecated property \$cookie_redirect_key.*/'