添加 Mobileapps 配置文件

落雨楓 2 years ago
parent ef7918b1aa
commit 3ddabe55bd

@ -0,0 +1 @@
# 异世界百科 Mobileapps配置文件

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# Number of worker processes to spawn.
# Set to 0 to run everything in a single process without clustering.
# Use 'ncpu' to run as many workers as there are CPU units
num_workers: 0
# Log error messages and gracefully restart a worker if v8 reports that it
# uses more heap (note: not RSS) than this many mb.
worker_heap_limit_mb: 250
# Logger info
level: trace
- type: stdout # log to stdout
named_levels: true # emit log level name instead of index. e.g. INFO vs 30
# # Use gelf-stream -> logstash
# - type: gelf
# host: logstash1003.eqiad.wmnet
# port: 12201
# Statsd metrics reporter
type: statsd
host: localhost
port: 8125
- name: service-mobileapp-node
# a relative path or the name of an npm package, if different from name
module: ./app.js
# optionally, a version constraint of the npm package
# version: ^0.4.0
# per-service config
port: 8888
# interface: localhost # uncomment to only listen on localhost
# more per-service config settings
# the location of the spec, defaults to spec.yaml if not specified
# spec: ./spec.template.yaml
# allow cross-domain requests to the API (default '*')
cors: '*'
# to disable use:
# cors: false
# to restrict to a particular domain, use:
# cors: restricted.domain.org
# content for the CSP headers
# csp: false # uncomment this line to disable sending them
# CSP for mobile-html
mobile_html_csp: "default-src 'none';
connect-src https://*.isekai.cn 'self';
media-src *.isekai.cn 'self';
img-src *.isekai.cn 'self' data:;
object-src 'none';
script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';
style-src *.isekai.cn 'self' 'unsafe-inline';
frame-ancestors 'self'
# URL of the outbound proxy to use (complete with protocol)
# proxy: http://my.proxy.org:8080
# the list of domains for which not to use the proxy defined above
# no_proxy_list:
# - domain1.com
# - domain2.org
# the list of incoming request headers that can be logged; if left empty,
# the following headers are allowed: cache-control, content-length,
# content-type, if-match, user-agent, x-request-id
# log_header_allowlist:
# - cache-control
# - content-length
# - content-type
# - if-match
# - user-agent
# - x-request-id
# the user agent to use when issuing requests
user_agent: WMF Mobile Content Service dev
# REST API base URIs
use_request_host: false
mobile_html_rest_api_base_uri: '//www.isekai.cn/api/rest_v1/'
mobile_html_local_rest_api_base_uri_template: '//www.isekai.cn/api/rest_v1/data/css/mobile/base'
# max JSON POST body size limit
# max_body_size: 100kb
# the template used for contacting the MW API
method: post
uri: https://www.isekai.cn/api.php
user-agent: '{{user-agent}}'
accept-language: '{{accept-language}}'
body: '{{ default(request.query, {}) }}'
# the template used for requesting ResourceLoader module content from load.php
method: post
uri: https://www.isekai.cn/load.php
user-agent: '{{user-agent}}'
body: '{{ default(request.query, {}) }}'
# the template used for contacting RESTBase
method: '{{request.method}}'
uri: https://www.isekai.cn/api/rest_v1/{+path}
query: '{{ default(request.query, {}) }}'
headers: '{{request.headers}}'
body: '{{request.body}}'
timeout: 60000 # 60 * 1000
# whether to print extra debug info
debug: true